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Footprints Sponsor Program

The Footprints Sponsorship program allows you to personally invest in the lives of others by providing for specific needs throughout a family’s interactions with Sav-A-Life Ministry. Sponsors are encouraged (but not required) to include a card(s) of encouragement along with their sponsor donation to be passed on to a family.* To become a Footprints Sponsor, simply choose one or more sponsorship level, fill out the Footprints Form attached or online and submit to Sav-A-Life of Decatur. 

First Steps Sponsorship


First Steps provides a pregnancy test, ultrasound, gospel presentation and vitamins (if pregnant)       

Baby Shower in a Bag Sponsorship 


Baby Shower in a Bag includes items for newborns such as diapers, bottles, baby wash, lotion, blankets, towels, bibs, pacifiers, diaper ointment, socks etc.


Baby Closet Sponsorship

…………………………………………...$25.00 one month

……………………………………………$300.00 one year

Baby Closet provides a monthly visit to receive formula, diapers, wipes and baby food.


Finding Grace Sponsorship

Finding Grace is a program providing weekly classes wherein the clients can accumulate points to earn items for their baby.  Classes offered include Baby Care Workshop, Bible Studies, Life’s Healing Choices, Save One and Financial Peace. 


Class Sponsorship……………………………$50.00


Points Awards Sponsorship

   * complete points pkg……..…………………..$500.00

   * individual points (see table below for amount)

To donate toward any of the sponsorships listed, please click on the

Lifeway eGiving button below.


*Due to privacy laws, we can not provide sponsors any names, pictures or

anything else that would identify the family their sponsorship has gone to.

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